Kessler Syndrome Space Ramp with Michael Elliott

This episode Andrew is joined by writer and game designer Michael Elliott. Together they learn some uncomfortable truths about La Familia while building a space ramp to defeat capitalism.
This episode Andrew is joined by writer and game designer Michael Elliott. Together they learn some uncomfortable truths about La Familia while building a space ramp to defeat capitalism.

Michael Elliott can be found on, on Twitter and at

  • Sorry for the audio quality issues on my end. I got too excited about my new microphone & assumed it would solve all my problems, forgetting to account for the fact that I record in an apartment with brick walls, concrete floors, and a metal cabinet right behind my mic. I am very smart. I'll sort this out before the next episode with some fancy foam. I'm not learning enough audio editing to make it good audio, but it should be better than this.
  • Here's a helpful link to the article Racer X by Kenneth Li for Vibe Magazine
  • Again, fuck Elon Musk in particular.
  • Justice for Han!
© 2020 Andrew Ferguson